Ars Goetia

In 2014, I published a fully illustrated edition of the Ars Goetia, a 17th century grimoire on demonology, following an enormously successful crowdfunding campaign.

As well as illustrating all 72 of the demons, I edited the text, bringing modernised accessibility to a very influential and popular work.  To do so, I hybridised the two source manuscripts usually used in editing the Ars Goetia – the Sloane and the Harley manuscript – to create a more holistic version of the grimoire.  I also edited the iconic demonic seals – there was, I found, a huge range of variation in how the glyphs were drawn from manuscript to manuscript, so I reworked them to create new, but elegant and visually balanced glyphs, without losing any of their recognisability.  A few of the illustrations are below.

[h2 first=”0″]Available in paperback and hardback.  Order a copy here.[/h2]

64_hauros_fr  53_camio_fr  67_amducias_fr  25_glasyalabolas_fr

65_andrealphus_fr  29_astaroth_fr  68_belial_fr  24_naberius_fr

2 thoughts on “Ars Goetia

  1. Hello! I met you yesterday at London MCM and I just wanted you to know that your work is amazing!! I will be ordering more from you!!

    Also, tried finding you on Instagram but I couldn’t!! Will keep trying!!


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